During the drafting and processing of the PDU document, various types of participatory actions have been held. They target different monitoring stakeholders –political, technical and citizen levels. The processing period includes two key milestones, during which the documents will be made public: the approval of the PDU Proposal, and the following one after the initial approval of the PDU document.
Preparation of the PDU
Check to see where we are in the process of drafting the Plan and the work we have done so far: from the passing of the law on Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) (Law 31/2010) to the approval of the PDU.
Collection of participatory actions
Consult the information on the various participatory actions that have already taken place.
Public consultation period of the Proposal
Consult the analysis resulting from inputs received during participatory actions that have already taken place.
Send us your suggestions and opinions. They will be evaluated for the drafting of the PDU.