It comprises forestry areas and crop fields, combining two characteristics of significant environmental and social interest: they are high-quality formations in terms of biodiversity and guarantee the functionality and regulation of natural cycles. With the aim of preserving this area and fostering its capacity to contribute ecosystem services, the PDU will establish it as an area of direct urban planning regulations.
The agroforestry area plays a leading role in the maintenance of biodiversity, the regulation of the water cycle, the mitigation of and adaptation to the effects of climate change, the prevention of natural risks, and the supply of local food products.
It is made up of areas that require special or preventive protection measures and encompasses all land classified as non-developable. Within this framework, the PDU will specify the limits, guaranteeing the protection of areas with natural value, ecological connectivity in the most critical areas and the maintenance of a productive landscape.
It is made up of areas that require special or preventive protection measures and encompasses all land classified as non-developable. Within this framework, the PDU will specify the limits, guaranteeing the protection of areas with natural value, ecological connectivity in the most critical areas and the maintenance of a productive landscape.
Aims presented in the PDU Preliminary Document with respect to mobility and service networks and infrastructure.