The metropolitan structure, which establishes the main form of the metropolis, is made up of the areas, nodes and links that articulate and shape the backbone of relations within the metropolis and at the same time connect it with and relate it to the territories outside its perimeter (the metropolitan region and beyond).
The elements that make up the metropolitan structure have been defined through a diagnosis oriented towards specific objectives, based on the consideration that the territory is made up of three main levels or layers.
The first level corresponds to the ecological structure, which must guarantee the operation of the entire set of physical and natural elements. It is important to pay attention to this level, given that human intervention in the territory (anthropic uses) in recent decades has had a significant impact, especially with regard to ecological connectivity.
The second level is the urban and social structure, which consists of the elements that form the backbone of the territory as far as people are concerned. This level, which is particularly subject to the effects of urban planning regulations, is basically formed by areas of centrality that cater to specific interests, the system of metropolitan connections that link them and certain elements of the green structure. This level guarantees that people can move from one point to another in the territory and access large open spaces.
Finally, the third level is made up of all the networks and infrastructure in place to ensure the smooth operation of cities. These include the main elements of mobility infrastructure, the networks related to the urban energy and water cycles and the material supply and waste networks.
The first level corresponds to the ecological structure, which must guarantee the operation of the entire set of physical and natural elements. It is important to pay attention to this level, given that human intervention in the territory (anthropic uses) in recent decades has had a significant impact, especially with regard to ecological connectivity.
The second level is the urban and social structure, which consists of the elements that form the backbone of the territory as far as people are concerned. This level, which is particularly subject to the effects of urban planning regulations, is basically formed by areas of centrality that cater to specific interests, the system of metropolitan connections that link them and certain elements of the green structure. This level guarantees that people can move from one point to another in the territory and access large open spaces.
Finally, the third level is made up of all the networks and infrastructure in place to ensure the smooth operation of cities. These include the main elements of mobility infrastructure, the networks related to the urban energy and water cycles and the material supply and waste networks.
Ecological structure
Its functionality guarantees the conservation of water (a scarce and vital resource), the quality and continuity of green spaces, and the maintenance of activities like agriculture and fishing.
Urban and social structure
Made up of the areas of centrality, the metropolitan connections and the green structure, it forms the backbone of the territory and its social relations.
Mobility and service networks and infrastructure
This structure, which consists of high-capacity mobility infrastructure and the service networks, ensures the smooth operation of the city.