The PGM (Metropolitan General Plan) has defined urban regulation and covered the region since 1976. However, it has been amended more than 1,200 times to meet the needs arising at each particular point in time.
Twenty-seven of the thirty-six municipalities in the metropolitan area of Barcelona fall under the umbrella of the PGM, seven have PGO, and two more have their own POUM. All these municipalities are equally important in terms of the regulatory status of their rulings. However, due to the extent and level of occupation of the territory they cover, the volume of population that they contain and above all, the age of the town planning document, the area of the twenty-seven municipalities subject to the PGM has been a benchmark in urban development.
The PDU is the instrument that will be used for planning the metropolitan area in the coming decades. It has an urban development model that integrates contemporary diversity into a shared, ecologically sustainable, economically efficient and socially cohesive project. This model must meet the needs of the metropolitan population, in order to improve its quality of life, based on the capacities of the territory.
The PDU is the instrument that will be used for planning the metropolitan area in the coming decades. It has an urban development model that integrates contemporary diversity into a shared, ecologically sustainable, economically efficient and socially cohesive project. This model must meet the needs of the metropolitan population, in order to improve its quality of life, based on the capacities of the territory.
The PDU has broad powers granted by the Law concerning Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB), Law 31/2010 of 3 August, including: defining reserves for general urban planning systems for communications and other infrastructures, community facilities and free spaces; the classification of land; the establishment of criteria for classifying urban and developable land; and the definition of the areas for urban transformation of metropolitan interest and common urban development building regulations.
Institutional, legal and planning frameworks determine the nature of the Plan, as it is not a territorial, sectoral or strategic plan, and cannot have the level of detail and other stipulations typical of a municipal urban plan, but instead has plenty of scope to improve living conditions in the metropolis. The PDU is therefore an intermediate structural instrument, which must provide an overview of the metropolitan situation and address new challenges and demands.
The Metropolitan Urban Master Plan is an instrument for regulating plans and uses in the territory, assigning intensities to them and determining their standards. It must provide the necessary urban conditions to meet to the new challenges and needs of today's metropolitan reality, including: increasing social diversity, with an ageing and simultaneously better more informed and more demanding population; the emergence of new technologies and their social and economic implications; tourism and globalisation; new forms of work and a lack of accessible housing, or environmental challenges.
Identifying the challenges and opportunities in the territory highlights the need for new urban planning that provides a response to them, which is summarised in 10 general objectives:
The diagnosis of the current regulation enables various disparities and shortcomings to be identified, as well as opportunities for improvement, while simultaneously establishing the principles that must govern the construction of the new regulatory framework.
The PDU plans to establish a regulation of the territory by means of three types of regulatory provisions:
At the same time, the objectives set out in the PDU will be determined through three types of stipulations: for immediate direct application; directly applicable pending implementation through the PDU; to be implemented in subsequent general planning.
The metropolitan region has experienced outstanding urban planning in recent decades, which has enabled the metropolis as we know it today to develop. However, after being in force for over 40 years, it must be updated in order to restores the metropolitan vision with five main goals: to reinforce the metropolitan solidarity and capital status, promote the naturalisation and resilience of the metropolitan area, foster sustainable mobility and articulate the territory based on a polycentric structure, encourage social cohesion by promoting housing and ensuring the habitability of urban fabrics, and boost the competitiveness of economic activities.
These objectives must be achieved by implementing the Plan, which will have three types of regulatory stipulations:
These objectives must be achieved by implementing the Plan, which will have three types of regulatory stipulations:
- Stipulations for immediate direct application, which will regulate the classification of land based on the basic situations of rural and urbanised land; metropolitan structural elements formed by the ecological structure, green structure, centres, metropolitan roads, strategic mobility infrastructures and metropolitan services; and the agroforestry mosaic which includes core areas, ecological connectors, areas of agricultural regeneration and areas of high agricultural value.
- Stipulations for direct application to be implemented through the PDU, which are the action strategies, and which include metropolitan projects to address urban fractures and discontinuities, and the development of areas of opportunity to reinforce the polycentric model or areas of regeneration, in both urban areas and the agroforestry mosaic, to improve their quality.
- Stipulations to be implemented from general planning, which will enable a detailed regulation of settlements in favour of the improved habitability of residential fabrics and the competitiveness of economic activity fabrics. The PDU will define the urban planning situations of urban settlements according to their metropolitan role, their function as specialised or mixed cities, the morphological category of the fabric and its relative location, and will establish the objectives for growth and socio-environmental facilities at the municipal level, and the basic uses of the various urban fabrics.
- QUADERNS PDU 01_Towards the drafting of the Metropolitan Urban Master Plan PDU 01
- QUADERNS PDU 02_Analysis of the amendments to the Metropolitan General PlanPDU 02
- QUADERNS PDU 05_Metropolitan studies
- QUADERNS PDU 06_The metropolitan area of Barcelona in the European urban system PDU 06
- QUADERNS PDU 07_Twenty-first century cities and urban development plans: For an understanding of the new dynamics and urban planning instruments