Interactive cartographies chosen amongst the maps included in the graphic documentation of the PDU Proposal. You can easily find and consult them all in this page.
Ecological structure
It guarantees the ecological operation of the territory, it allows preserving water (which is a scarce and vital natural resource), providing quality and continuity to green areas, and at the same time preserving activities such as agriculture and fishing.
Urban and social structure
Consisting of centrality areas, metropolitan roads and green structure, it shows how the territory can be structured and the social relations that can be built.
Mobility and service networks and infrastructure
It shows the structure that guarantees the city operation, consisting of high-capacity road infrastructures and service networks.
Agroforestry mosaic
It includes forests and agricultural areas combining two environmental and social relevant features: high quality biodiversity, and performance and regulation of natural cycles.
Urban settlements
The existing fabrics are shown from various perspectives: morphology, function, relative location and metropolitan role.
Action strategies
Map providing an initial approach to the areas needing demarcation for intervention, and requiring a specific perspective on some unique situations or opportunities.
Green infrastructure
This diagnostic mapping shows the items in the green infrastructure identified in the drafting process of the PDU Proposal.
Material and energy cycles
The various service networks in the metropolitan area are identified and located for information purposes.
Functional intensity of urban fabrics
The level of intensity of the various fabrics in the metropolis is presented.
Road connectivity and goods railway transportation
The items in the road and rail network for goods transport are shown, with the diagnosis of the services available in the industrial fabrics.
Structural metropolitan centres
Diagnosis of the points considered metropolitan and supramunicipal centres that can clearly structure the metropolis.
Residential sociomorphological structure
A map that diagnoses and classifies residential urban fabrics from a dual perspective: first, urban morphology, and second, the social characteristics of the resident population.
Residential fabrics
Informative map showing the various residential fabrics according to their morphological characteristics.
Accessibility and public transport networks
Identification of the various public transport networks and the comprehensive accessibility rate they offer.