"Urban design as an essential element of sustainable urban mobility"
The Sustainable Mobility Paradigm introduced by Banister (2008) argues that policy measures are available to improve urban sustainability, but the main challenge for change relate to the necessary conditions for change, namely public acceptance and political will. It challenges basic assumptions of transport planning and engineering and asks for new approaches towards sustainable mobility.
This essay and presentation examines in a tour d'horizon how the proclaimed principles - use of technology, regulation and pricing, land-use development and engagement of the people - can be addressed by innovative planning and policy approaches. Particular emphasis is paid on demonstrating how urban design should be seen as an essential element of sustainable urban mobility.
Based on this summary, we identify key success factors and outline how those can be nurtured through strategic planning and new modelling approaches.
This essay and presentation examines in a tour d'horizon how the proclaimed principles - use of technology, regulation and pricing, land-use development and engagement of the people - can be addressed by innovative planning and policy approaches. Particular emphasis is paid on demonstrating how urban design should be seen as an essential element of sustainable urban mobility.
Based on this summary, we identify key success factors and outline how those can be nurtured through strategic planning and new modelling approaches.