The drafting of the Metropolitan Urban Master Plan (PDU) is a magnificent opportunity to reflect on the future of the metropolis. The positive experience of the Metropolitan General Plan, which was approved in 1976 and remains in force to this day, is the genesis of this new aim of building an environmentally sustainable, economically efficient, and socially cohesive metropolis that offers high quality of life for its inhabitants.
‘The truth is that we have a very closed territory that we must steer towards the future'
Ramon M. Torra i Xicoy
‘We must construct a city of cities'
Josep Maria Carreras i Quilis
‘Imagine a development system based on rebalancing strategies'
Joan Busquets Grau
‘It is necessary to think of mixed economic activity areas with compatible activities'
Antonio Font Arellano
‘In cities we find multiple urban centralities'
Kees Christiaanse
‘We are facing the challenge to take a new approach'
Ramon Folch i Guillen
‘We find ourselves in a period of transition towards a paradigm shift'
Joan Subirats i Humet
‘The positioning of the AMB with respect to the European Union'
Lluís Torrens i Mèlich
‘What urban planning can do to better adapt housing conditions'
Carme Trilla Bellart
‘Urban centrality spaces are spaces of intense sociability'
Teresa Navas Ferrer
‘It is necessary to go beyond the plan and design a project to create nature'
Ferran Miralles i Sabadell
‘Towards a highly flexible density and classification of land'
Carme Ribas Seix
‘Public transport must play a main role in the metropolitan mobility model'
Tanit Guàrdia Sánchez
‘A centre is a pole of attraction for citizens'
Maria Pons Mascases
‘The Besòs River has become a structural element'
Miquel Roig Roch